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The Kingdom of God is at Work

The day I’ve been dreaming of for 6 years has finally come to light!  I am so humbled by God’s power and purpose in and around me.  He gave me this dream for One God Nation before it even had a name.  After learning about the things ordinary people do every day without any accolades or little recognition, I decided to give them a voice the whole world could hear.  


One God Nation Magazine was birthed with no personal benefit to me in mind except for knowing that I was able to share people’s good deeds with the rest of the world who may not have ever known otherwise. Great charities or organizations with minimal exposure tend to slip through the cracks or take a back seat to what mainstream media deams as “Breaking News”.  But I beg to differ.  People sacrificing for other people and making a difference for other people, in my opinion, is news worth sharing.  If  it were not, then why do fortune 500 businesses and smaller businesses take an interest an invest in some kind of charity?


What’s unique about OGN is it focuses on charity outside of religious walls. It supersedes the idea of religion and tells the true meaning of charity, which has little to do with a demonstration.   





Acts 10:24 states “Then Peter said,  ‘Of a truth, I know that God is not a respecter of persons, but He that worketh righteousness is accepted with Him.’”


Am I saying that we don’t need a spiritual foundation or follow the Bible’s instructions on being a part of a church structure on a consistent basis? Absolutely not!  We benefit tremendously from attending worship service.  It is the bread that sustains us and helps us grow in Christ.  But once we’ve been equipped with God’s word and filled with His love and nourishment, we take that equipment outside the church walls (where life happens) and we apply it.  My prayer for you is that you will be enlightened by this magazine.  That you will be opened to new ideas of how to build the Kingdom.  That you and everyone you share this with will find inspiration to do your part in reaching outside “the box” to the world and showing them the difference between religion and relationship with a living God. 

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